Backup-Seite-Karte – restaurant-im-schlupf


[menu_card title= “Campari Orange oder Soda ” ingredients= “” price= “3,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Martini Bianco oder Rosè mit Olive ” ingredients= “” price= “3,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Sherry ” ingredients= “” price= “3,20 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

Vorspeisen und Suppen

[menu_card title= “Kräutergarnelen in Olivenöl ” ingredients= “gebraten mit Toast und Butter ” price= “7,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Tomaten-Mozzarella-Salat mit Olivenöl ” ingredients= “und Balsamico dazu Toastbrotecken” price= “4,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Flädlesuppe ” ingredients= “mit frischen Kräutern (11) ” price= “3,20 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Maultaschensuppe ” ingredients= “mit frischen Kräutern (11) ” price= “3,60 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Gratinierte Zwiebelsuppe” ingredients= “nach französischer Art (11)” price= “4,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Markklößchensuppe” ingredients= “mit frischen Kräutern (11)” price= “3,60 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Tomatencremesuppe” ingredients= “mit Sahnehaube” price= “3,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Beilagensalat ” ingredients= “KLEIN” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Bunter Salatteller” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= “3,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Italienischer Salat mit Schinken, Käse, Zwiebeln und Ei (Hausdressing) (5) ” ingredients= “- KLEIN” price= “5,40 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Italienischer Salat mit Schinken, Käse, Zwiebeln und Ei (Hausdressing) (5) ” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= ” 6,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Griechischer Bauernsalat mit Zwiebeln, Oliven, Hirtenkäse und Peperoni (Essig und Öl) (10) ” ingredients= “- KLEIN” price= “5,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Griechischer Bauernsalat mit Zwiebeln, Oliven, Hirtenkäse und Peperoni (Essig und Öl) (10) ” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= “6,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Salat „Nizza“ mit Oliven, Thunfisch und Ei (Essig und Öl) ” ingredients= “- KLEIN” price= ” 5,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Salat „Nizza“ mit Oliven, Thunfisch und Ei (Essig und Öl) ” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= ” 6,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Bunter Salatteller mit Putenstreifen in Olivenöl und Sesam gebraten (Essig und Öl) ” ingredients= “- KLEIN” price= ” 6,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Bunter Salatteller mit Putenstreifen in Olivenöl und Sesam gebraten (Essig und Öl) ” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= ” 8,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Salat „Nordisch“ mit geräuchertem Lachs, Thunfisch, Garnelen und Ei (Hausdressing) ” ingredients= “- KLEIN” price= “6,90 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Salat „Nordisch“ mit geräuchertem Lachs, Thunfisch, Garnelen und Ei (Hausdressing) ” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= “8,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Salat „Feinschmecker“ mit Kalbsstreifen in Distelöl gebraten und buntem Pfeffer (Essig und Öl) ” ingredients= “- KLEIN” price= “7,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Salat „Feinschmecker“ mit Kalbsstreifen in Distelöl gebraten und buntem Pfeffer (Essig und Öl) ” ingredients= “- GROSS” price= “9,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

vom Schwein

[menu_card title= “Paniertes Schnitzel mit Zitronenecke und Pommes Frites ” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “10,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Paniertes Schnitzel mit Zitronenecke und Pommes Frites ” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “7,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rahmschnitzel mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “10,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rahmschnitzel mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “7,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Zwiebelsteak mit gedämpften Zwiebeln in Bratensauce dazu Bratkartoffeln (1)” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “11,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Zwiebelsteak mit gedämpften Zwiebeln in Bratensauce dazu Bratkartoffeln (1)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “7,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinesteak „Natur“ vom Grill mit Kräuterbutter und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “10,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinesteak „Natur“ vom Grill mit Kräuterbutter und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “7,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinesteak „Rustikal“ in Bratensauce mit Zwiebeln und Rauchspeck dazu Bratkartoffeln (1)” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “11,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinesteak „Rustikal“ in Bratensauce mit Zwiebeln und Rauchspeck dazu Bratkartoffeln (1)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “7,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pfefferrahmsteak mit Kartoffelkroketten” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “10,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pfefferrahmsteak mit Kartoffelkroketten” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “7,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cordon Bleu gefüllt mit Schinken und Käse dazu Pommes Frites und Zitronenecke (5)” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “12,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cordon Bleu gefüllt mit Schinken und Käse dazu Pommes Frites und Zitronenecke (5)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “8,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinesteak nach sizilianischer Art mit Knoblauch, Olivenöl und Käse überbacken dazu Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “11,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinesteak nach sizilianischer Art mit Knoblauch, Olivenöl und Käse überbacken dazu Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “7,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Steak nach griechischer Art mit Hirtenkäse gefüllt in Ei mehliert dazu Tomatensauce und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 250g mit Beilagensalat” price= “12,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Steak nach griechischer Art mit Hirtenkäse gefüllt in Ei mehliert dazu Tomatensauce und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “8,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinemedaillons in Champignonrahmsauce dazu hausgemachte Käsespätzle (6,7)” ingredients= “ca. 250g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “12,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schweinemedaillons in Champignonrahmsauce dazu hausgemachte Käsespätzle (6,7)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “9,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

von der Pute

[menu_card title= “Rahmschnitzel mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 280g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “10,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rahmschnitzel mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “7,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Paprikarahmschnitzel mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “11,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Paprikarahmschnitzel mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “7,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Putensteak „Natur“ mit Kräuterbutter und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “10,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Putensteak „Natur“ mit Kräuterbutter und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “7,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Hawaiisteak in Rahmsauce mit Ananas und Käse überbacken dazu Kartoffelkroketten” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “11,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Hawaiisteak in Rahmsauce mit Ananas und Käse überbacken dazu Kartoffelkroketten” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= ” 7,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Steak Tomaten-Mozzarella überbacken auf Kräuterspaghetti (7)” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “11,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Steak Tomaten-Mozzarella überbacken auf Kräuterspaghetti (7)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “8,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

vom Rind

[menu_card title= “Zwiebelrostbraten mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle (1)” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “17,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Zwiebelrostbraten mit hausgemachten Eierspätzle (1)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “11,10 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Zwiebelrostbraten mit Brot (1)” ingredients= “ca. 280g ” price= “14,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rumpsteak mit Kräuterbutter und Kartoffelkroketten” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “17,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rumpsteak mit Kräuterbutter und Kartoffelkroketten” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “11,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pfeffersteak in Rahmsauce mit grünem Pfeffer dazu Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “17,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pfeffersteak in Rahmsauce mit grünem Pfeffer dazu Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat ” price= “11,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rumpsteak a la Schlupf mit Senf, Bärlauch und Käse überbacken dazu Bratkartoffeln” ingredients= “ca. 280g mit Beilagensalat” price= “17,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Rumpsteak a la Schlupf mit Senf, Bärlauch und Käse überbacken dazu Bratkartoffeln” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “11,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

vom Kalb

[menu_card title= “Wienerschnitzel mit Zitronenecke und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 220g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “14,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Wienerschnitzel mit Zitronenecke und Pommes Frites” ingredients= “ca. 130g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “9,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Kalbsgeschnetzeltes „Züricher Art“ mit Champignons und hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 250g mit Beilagensalat ” price= “14,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Kalbsgeschnetzeltes „Züricher Art“ mit Champignons und hausgemachten Eierspätzle” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “9,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cordon Bleu mit Schinken und Käse gefüllt dazu Zitronenecke und Pommes Frites (5)” ingredients= “ca. 220g mit Beilagensalat” price= “15,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cordon Bleu mit Schinken und Käse gefüllt dazu Zitronenecke und Pommes Frites (5)” ingredients= “ca. 150g ohne Beilagensalat” price= “9,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

gemischte Platte

[menu_card title= “„Schwabenteller“ Schweinemedaillons und Rindersteak mit zwei verschiedenen Saucen und Kräuterbutter dazu Käsespätzle und Beilagensalat (1)” ingredients= ” für eine Person” price= “15,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “„Schwabenteller“ Schweinemedaillons und Rindersteak mit zwei verschiedenen Saucen und Kräuterbutter dazu Käsespätzle und Beilagensalat (1)” ingredients= “für zwei Personen” price= “29,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “„Siebenschwabenspieß“ Schweinemedaillon, Rindersteak und Kalbsteak mit verschiedenen Saucen und Kräuterbutter dazu Eierspätzle und Beilagensalat (1)” ingredients= “für eine Person” price= “16,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Lachs vom Grill auf Blattspinat mit Zitronenecke, Bratkartoffeln und Beilagensalat ” ingredients= “” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Zander „Natur“ mit Kräuterbutter, Salzkartoffeln und Beilagensalat ” ingredients= “” price= “15,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Calamares am Stück in Olivenöl gebraten mit Zitronenecke und großem Salatteller ” ingredients= “” price= “10,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schollenfilet „Natur“ gebraten mit Zitronenecke, Salzkartoffeln und Beilagensalat ” ingredients= “” price= “13,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Tintenfischringe gebacken auf Blattsalat mit Zitronenecke, Remoulade und großem Salatteller ” ingredients= “” price= “9,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Zwei Garnellenspieße auf Zitrone an Weißweinsauce dazu Bratkartoffeln und Beilagensalat” ingredients= “” price= “14,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “„Neptunplatte“ Lachs vom Grill und Zanderfilet mit Kräuterbutter auf Blattspinat dazu Kartoffeln und Beilagensalat” ingredients= “für eine Person” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “„Neptunplatte“ Lachs vom Grill und Zanderfilet mit Kräuterbutter auf Blattspinat dazu Kartoffeln und Beilagensalat” ingredients= “für zwei Personen” price= “31,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Spaghetti „Napoli“ in hausgemachter Tomatensauce mit frischen Kräutern und Parmesan” ingredients= “” price= “6,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Spaghetti „Carbonara“ in Ei gebraten mit einem Klecks Sahne und frischen Kräutern (5)” ingredients= “” price= “6,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Bandnudeln „a la Panna“ in Schinken-Sahne-Sauce mit frischen Kräutern (5) ” ingredients= “” price= “6,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Bandnudeln „Lachs“ in Lachs-Sahne-Sauce mit einem Klecks Tomatensauce” ingredients= “” price= “8,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Bandnudeln „Spinace“ in Spinat-Gorgonzola-Sauce mit frischen Kräutern ” ingredients= “” price= “6,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Gebackener Camembert mit Preiselbeeren und Toastbrot” ingredients= “” price= “5,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Panierte Hirtenkäsesticks mit gefüllten Weinblätter in Olivenöl-Zitronenschaum dazu Brot” ingredients= “” price= “10,80 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Käsespätzle mit Beilagensalat ” ingredients= “” price= “7,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

für den kleinen Hunger

[menu_card title= “Käsebrot garniert” ingredients= “” price= “4,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Geräucherter Lachs auf Blattsalat mit Meerrettich, Toast und Butter ” ingredients= “” price= “7,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Wurstsalat oder Straßburger Wurstsalat nach Art des Hauses mit Brot ” ingredients= “” price= “6,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Wurstsalat nach Art des Hauses oder Straßburger mit Bratkartoffeln ” ingredients= “” price= “7,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Geschnetzelte Maultaschen in Ei gebraten ” ingredients= “” price= “6,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Hawaiitoast mit Ananas, Schinken und Käse überbacken (5)” ingredients= “” price= “6,40 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

Eis und Dessert

[menu_card title= “Gemischtes Eis mit Sahne ” ingredients= “” price= “3,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Gemischtes ohne Sahne” ingredients= “” price= “3,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Amarenabecher” ingredients= “Milcheis, Amarenakirschen und Sahne (2,3,4,6,7)” price= “3,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Heißer Traum” ingredients= “Vanilleeis mit heißen Himbeeren und Sahne ” price= “4,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Ananassplit” ingredients= “Vanille- und Schokoladeneis mit Ananasstückchen” price= “4,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Coupe Dänemark” ingredients= “Vanilleeis, Sahne und heiße Schokoladensauce” price= “4,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Warmer Apfelstrudel” ingredients= “mit Vanilleeis und Sahne ” price= “5,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

Kaffee und heiße Getränke

[menu_card title= “Kaffee” ingredients= “” price= “2,00 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Großer Kaffee ” ingredients= “” price= “3,20 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Espresso” ingredients= “” price= “2,00€” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Doppelter Espresso ” ingredients= “” price= “3,20€” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cappuccino” ingredients= “” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Milchkaffee ” ingredients= “” price= “2,50 € ” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Kaffee Hag” ingredients= “(Koffeinfrei)” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Tee ” ingredients= “” price= “1,80 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Heiße Schokolade ” ingredients= “” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Latte Macchiato ” ingredients= “” price= “2,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Espresso Macchiato ” ingredients= “” price= “2,60 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Eiskaffee ” ingredients= “” price= ” 3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

Kalte Getränke

[menu_card title= “Ensinger Gourmet Urquelle” ingredients= “0,2l ” price= “1,80 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Ensinger Gourmet Urquelle” ingredients= “0,7l” price= “3,60 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Ensinger Sport” ingredients= “0,5l ” price= “2,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Ensinger Grape (5)” ingredients= “0,5l” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” 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ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Coka Cola (1,7)” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Coka Cola (1,7)” ingredients= “0,4l ” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Coka Cola Zero (1,7)” ingredients= “0,2l ” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Coka Cola Zero (1,7)” ingredients= “0,4l” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Fanta (5,7,8) ” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Fanta (5,7,8) ” ingredients= ” 0,4l” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Sprite (5,7)” ingredients= “0,2l ” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= 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highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

Säfte & Nektar

[menu_card title= “Kirsch” ingredients= “0,2l ” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Banane” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Orange” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Johannisbeer ” ingredients= “0,2l ” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Johannisbeer” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Apfel ” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “2,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Marmor / Kirsch- und Bananensaft ” ingredients= “0,4l” price= “4,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Prosecco Blue Piccolo ” ingredients= “0,2l” price= “3,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Prosecco Blue ” ingredients= “0,7l” price= “15,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Kessler Piccolo ” ingredients= “0,2l ” price= “4,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Fürst Metternich” ingredients= “0,7l” price= “21,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Asti Cinzano ” ingredients= “0,7l” price= “19,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Campagner Veuve” ingredients= “0,7l ” price= “92,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Weißweinschorle” ingredients= “Deutschland – ¼ l” price= “2,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schwaigerner Grafenberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schwaigerner Grafenberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Affentaler Betschgräbler” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Affentaler Betschgräbler” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pinot Grogio 2011, CA`Ernesto Trentino” ingredients= “Italien – 75cl” price= “5,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pinot Grogio 2011, CA`Ernesto Trentino” ingredients= “Italien – (Flasche)” price= “14,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Lauffener Katzenbeisser” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Lauffener Katzenbeisser” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “16,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Oberrotweiler Spätburgunder” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Oberrotweiler Spätburgunder” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “16,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schwaigerner Grafenberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schwaigerner Grafenberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Affentaler Betschgräbler” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Affentaler Betschgräbler” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “15,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pinot Grogio 2011, CA`Ernesto Trentino” ingredients= “Italien – (75cl)” price= “5,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Pinot Grogio 2011, CA`Ernesto Trentino” ingredients= “Italien – (Flasche)” price= “14,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Rotweinschorle ” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “2,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Haberschlachter Heuchelberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Haberschlachter Heuchelberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “16,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schwaigerner Heuchelberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (100cl)” price= “4,30 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Schwaigerner Heuchelberg” ingredients= “Deutschland – (Flasche)” price= “16,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cabernet Sauvignon 2011, CA`Ernesto Trentino” ingredients= “Italien – (¼ l)” price= “5,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cabernet Sauvignon 2011, CA`Ernesto Trentino” ingredients= “Italien – (Flasche)” price= “14,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]

Bier vom Fass

[menu_card title= “Dinkel Acker Export Urtyp” ingredients= “0,3l ” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Dinkel Acker Export Urtyp” ingredients= “0,4l” price= “3,10 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Radler (Dinkel Acker Export)” ingredients= “0,3l” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Radler (Dinkel Acker Export)” ingredients= “0,4l” price= “3,10€” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cluss Keller Pils (naturtrüb)” ingredients= “0,3l” price= “2,70 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Cluss Keller Pils (naturtrüb)” ingredients= “0,4l” price= “3,60 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Sanwald Hefeweizen” ingredients= “0,3l” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Sanwald Hefeweizen” ingredients= “0,5l” price= “3,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Sanwald Kristallweizen ” ingredients= “0,5l” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Sanwald dunkles Weizen” ingredients= “0,5l” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Clausthaler extra herb, Alkoholfrei” ingredients= “0,5l” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Erdinger Hefeweizen, Alkoholfrei” ingredients= “0,5l” price= “3,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


[menu_card title= “Obstler” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Williams” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Kirschwasser ” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Ramazotti ” ingredients= “4cl” price= “3,80 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Averna ” ingredients= “4cl” price= “3,80 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Fernet Branca” ingredients= “2cl ” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Jägermeister ” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Malteser ” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Topinamur” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Grappa ” ingredients= “2cl ” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Sambuca” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,20 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Ouzo” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Metaxa 5 Sterne” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Hennessy” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,60 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Asbach” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Baccardi” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Baileys” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Chivas Regel” ingredients= “2cl” price= “3,00 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Jack Daniels” ingredients= “2cl” price= “2,50 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card][menu_card title= “Longdrink” ingredients= “2cl” price= “4,90 €” title_color= “” ingredients_color= “” price_color= “” highlight= “0” highlight_color= “” star= “0” star_color= “#a58f60” border_color= “#efefef” animate= “0” animation_type= “fadeIn”][/menu_card]


Die diversen Zusatz- und Geschmacksstoffe sind besonders von Gästen mit allergischen Reaktionen zu beachten.

E-Nummer Einsatz Bewertung
1. E 150c /Ammoniak-Zuckerkulör Farbstoff unbedenklich
2. E 163 / Anthocyane Farbstoff unbedenklich
3. E 129 / Allurarot AC Farbstoff siehe unten
4. E 150d /Ammonsulfit-Zuckerkulör Farbstoff unbedenklich
5. E 300 / Ascorbinsäure Antioxidationsmittel unbedenklich
6. E 220 / Schwefeldioxid Antioxidationsmittel siehe unten
7. E 330 / Citronensäure Antioxidationsmittel siehe unten
8. Farbstoff unbedenklich
9. Chininhaltig Alkaloid unbedenklich
10. E 211 / Natriumbenzoat Konservierungsstoff siehe unten
11. E621 / Mononatriumglutamat Geschmacksverstärker unbedenklich

* Wir verwenden in unserer Küche keine zusätzlichen Zusatzstoffe.

 3. E129   Allurarot AC
ADI-Wert: 7 mg/kg Körpergewicht
Allurarot kann bei entsprechend veranlagten Menschen pseudoallergische Reaktionenpseudoallergische Reaktionen auslösen. Insbesondere, wenn bereits eine Allergie. Allergie gegen Salicylsäure und ihre Abkömmlinge besteht, kann es zu Symptomen auf der Haut oder an den Atemwegen kommen. Die so genannten Salicylate finden sich in Aspirin (Wirkstoff Acetylsalicylsäure) sowie natürlicherweise in Ananas, Apfelsinen, Aprikosen, Erdbeeren, Grapefruit, Himbeeren, Honig, Johannisbeeren (rot und schwarz), Weintrauben und Zitronen. Auch Personen, die empfindlich auf Benzoesäure (E 210)Benzoesäure (E 210) reagieren, können pseudoallergisch auf Allurarot reagieren.

6. E22o Schwefeldioxid
ADI-Wert: 7 mg/kg Körpergewicht
Für die meisten Menschen sind Schwefeldioxid und Sulfite unbedenklich, weil ein körpereigenes Enzym für den schnellen Abbau der Stoffe sorgt. Bei Menschen, die von diesem Enzym weniger haben, kann es jedoch zu gesundheitlichen Problemen durch Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Durchfall und Kopfschmerzen kommen. Bei Asthmatikern können die Schwefelverbindungen zudem Asthmaanfälle hervorrufen (Sulfitasthma). In seltenen Fällen wurden allergische und allergieähnliche Reaktionen (Pseudoallergien) beobachtet.

7.E330 Citronensäure
ADI-Wert: nicht festgelegt
Citronensäure gilt als unbedenklich. Sie wird im Körper vollständig verwertet. Infolge des Herstellungsverfahrens kann industriell hergestellte Citronensäure bei Schimmelpilzallergikern allergische Symptome auslösen. Als starke Säure wirkt E 330 zudem Karies fördernd. Vor allem der regelmäßige Genuss großer Mengen citronensäurehaltiger Erfrischungsgetränke, in denen zugleich viel Zucker enthalten ist, begünstigt die Entstehung von Zahnschäden.

10.E221 Natriumbenzoat
ADI-Wert: 5 mg/kg Körpergewicht (Summe aus Benzoesäure und Benzoaten).
Benzoesäure und Benzoate können Allergien und allergieähnliche Symptome (Pseudoallergie) hervorrufen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Menschen, die unter Asthma leiden oder bereits eine Allergie gegen Salicylsäure und ihre Derivate haben. Die so genannten Salicylate finden sich in Aspirin (Wirkstoff Acetylsalicylsäure) sowie natürlicherweise in Ananas, Apfelsinen, Aprikosen, Erdbeeren, Grapefruit, Himbeeren, Honig, Johannisbeeren (rot und schwarz), Weintrauben und Zitronen.
Benzoesäure und Benzoate werden vom Darm aufgenommen und mit Hilfe eines bestimmten Eiweißbausteins über die Niere ausgeschieden. Beim Verzehr sehr großer Mengen über einen längeren Zeitraum (25 mg/kg Körpergewicht über 20 Tage) wurden in Versuchen Beschwerden der Verdauungsorgane, Krämpfe und Beeinträchtigungen des Nervensystem beobachtet.

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